Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yup, the Mac-Man is officially sitting on his own!  We've been practicing for about a while now, and he could sit for about 1-2 seconds (on a good day).  Then, yesterday, I decided to try first thing in the morning, and all of a sudden, he was actually stable for several seconds! I think he's getting up to 30-60 seconds now.

"Look at me, MacMommy! I can sit!"
He still needs a spotter...

But he's so proud of himself!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Never Mind!

So after all my guilt for using the boppy and making him forget how to roll over, all my concern -- to the extent that I asked the pediatrician, turns out Mac can still roll over. He did it twice in a row yesterday in the morning. Then enjoyed some tummy time. It was almost like he was telling me he could still do it, but he just likes tummy time now!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

4 Months Old!

(Well, 4 months and one day... But you know what I mean.)


His stats:

Weight: 14 pounds, 8 ounces, 50th percentile
Length: 25 inches, 50th percentile
Head circumference: 41 cm, just under 50th percentile

The pediatrician was very pleased with his growth curve, and said he's developing right on schedule, so that's great news! He also said we should start solids in the next few weeks, so that's very exciting!

I had to talk to the doctor about rolling over. If you'll recall, Mac first rolled over before he was a month old, and continued to do so for almost 2 more months. Because it was interfering with tummy time, I started putting him in the boppy for tummy time. He hasn't rolled over on his own since.In fact, he's been struggling to do it over the past few days. The doctor decided that the previous "rollovers" were really just an accident of anatomy -- his head was big enough for his body to follow -- rather than a result of his musculature. So it's completely normal that he's learning to roll over "the right way" now.

Meanwhile, Mac has really been developing a lot in other ways. His head control is fantastic, and he's working on his "sitting muscles," and sitting well supported. He's also getting really good at grabbing things. He really only reaches when he's lying down and it's dangling over his head, or when he's in the exersaucer. But he will grab just about anything his hand brushes against, and once he grabs, he aims for his mouth!

Oh, one other major development: the doctor confirmed that he is teething. It'll be a while before the teeth actually show, but the gums are definitely swollen. So that explains his uncharacteristic crankiness over the past few days. As of last night, he just started to appreciate the value of teething rings, and he's still getting used to the idea. Sometimes, the MacMommy's finger is just better.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We're Still Here!

Yes, we're still here. Yes, everyone is doing very well. Well, everyone except me. And even I'm doing okay. Basically, we came back from visiting Houston, I was sick, I went back to work full time (and I don't really have any sick days to spare), and we have a three-and-a-half-month-old baby. So not much time left to blog, really. Honestly, we only took down the tree last night. That's right. Our tree was up until January 11th. Aaaah, the joys of being a working mom.

Speaking of the joys of being a working mom, yesterday I came home from work and got the happiest, cutest, biggest smile from the Mac Man. It totally made my day.

And I was very selfish and didn't take any pictures-I just wanted to enjoy it all by myself and remember it in my heart forever.

And then he was awake for about ten more minutes for the rest of the night. It totally made me cry. Seriously, I cried last night because I only saw Mac awake for maybe twenty minutes the whole day. At least he was smiling for about 18 of them...

Anyway, now that we have finally taken down the tree, and now that we have a three-day weekend coming up, I hope to be able to post a little more regularly. After all, I've been taking a gazillion photos, and he's doing some really neat stuff lately. (I'll save that for his upcoming four-month update... Cliffhanger!)

In the mean time, how about some gratuitous cuteness?

Christmas Night: Can you believe this sleeper is already getting small on him?

Karli holding her cousin, "Mac-a-doodle," whom she loves very much, even if he is a boy.